Organize events for a local community with help from Communian

Join a local community to share your interests on Communian. This site allows you to create a group and local events on any topic. Are you passionate about cycling? You can make a local cycling group and start organizing events! What are the benefits of local communities and how they help the human brain and soul? Friend Finder : even for the most outgoing, finding friends with whom you share a passion can pose a problem. Joining an interest group provides an immediate source of acquaintances, friends, and potential best friends — all of whom share your interests.

Huge interest based communities are local focused on Communian. Let’s take reddit for example: /r/cooking I love to cook to feed myself and to entertain friends, but sometimes need more help than just a recipe. That’s when I hit up /r/Cooking, where the kitchen is open 24 hours a day for questions on everything from preparing simple one-pot meals to dealing with exotic ingredients. You’ll also find great recipes, tips on maintaining equipment, what to look for buying groceries as well as ideas to spice up your daily cooking routine. Plus, you can share your own creations and kitchen calamities with the welcoming community. See also: Visit /r/AskCulinary for more specific questions on tackling cooking challenges, like achieving the perfect coffee-poached salmon or keeping fried foods crisp for food truck service.

Communian is all about social connections. Work relationships are incredibly important to employee well-being. It’s about more than just “getting along” with a co-worker. As humans, we crave contact and connection with other people. Unfortunately, for many employees, work can be a very lonely place. And while you’re probably familiar with the phrase, “I’m here to work, not to make friends,” it’s important for employers to understand just how important social connections in the workplace really are. Full-time employees spend a majority of their time at the office. Which is why work relationships are so important to employee well-being. These relationships can either positively or negatively affect an employee’s stress levels, productivity and general feelings of happiness. These factors not only affect an employee’s work performance, but it affects employee health too.

Communities, by their very nature, contain a diversity of opinion, ideas, and knowledge that you would never encounter alone. Just being in proximity of such a whirlwind of ideas means that you’re constantly challenging yourself to think creatively and constantly reconsider what you know. You might even encounter a solution to a problem that you would have never thought of by yourself. Read extra details at Communian brings People together.