Quit Marijuana The Complete Guide Pdf Download Review

Cannabis, also referred to as marijuana, has been an integral part of human civilizations for millennia. Both as a medicine and as a recreational substance, cannabis is the most popular illicit drug in the world. Today, the legal landscape that has prohibited marijuana for much of the twentieth century is giving way to decriminalization and full legalization.

Rehab International is dedicated to helping individuals and their families who are living with addiction find the most appropriate treatment available to meet their needs. Responding to the needs of general practice to deliver primary care and health education in the community through program support in Immunisation, Mental Health, Chronic disease Management and Quality Use of Medicines. With more than ten years of editorial experience, Kim has edited higher education textbooks and academic and social science journals, including Sage Publication’s Homicide Studies. She edited course material and curriculum for the faculty at Full Sail University and later taught revisions and editing in the Full Sail Creative Writing for Entertainment bachelor’s program. In addition to her professional writing and editing, Kim is a frequent judge of the Royal Palm Literary Award and a member of the FWA and SCBWI. Many students battling substance abuse require treatment to get better.

Marijuana Addiction – A Comprehensive Guide

This federal restriction has limited exploration into marijuana’s potential medical use, effectively tying the hands of researchers. Its use in medical conditions has occurred largely through experimentation, and evidence of its efficacy is largely anecdotal. Very little Delta-8 has been published that serves as a guide to caring for patients that use marijuana. The idea to “regulate marijuana like alcohol” embodied in legalization legislation permeated the regulatory design, aims, and strategies of marijuana policy regimes in 4 US states.

While the topic of medicinal marijuana remains divisive, it is gaining traction as a legal therapy choice for a variety of diseases. Although several states have legalized cannabis for medical purposes , more legislators and the national government would need to make it recognized and marketed across the country. However, demonstrating or disproving the efficacy of medicinal marijuana and eventually relaxing its usage restrictions would demand a considerably larger investment for authorized clinical research. We’ll be able to tell you if your provider is in network with Greenhouse Treatment Center and all American Addiction Centers locations. The initial symptoms of mushroom poisoning depend on what type of mushroom the person consumed, and can include muscle twitches, dizziness, vomiting, diarrhea, tremor, drowsiness, rapid breathing, and drooling. If you are worried that you or a loved one might be abusing mushrooms or even addicted, it helps to know the signs and symptoms to look for that would indicate a problem.

Alright, now that you know how to judge the situation of cannabis abuse, dependence, and addiction, it is time for you to explore your treatment options. Marijuana addiction treatment is administered by professional health specialists and psychologists at inpatient weed rehabs and outpatient weed rehabs. It is no wonder that smoking pot can actually manipulate the chemical functions of your brain. As your brain becomes chemically dependent on pot, you become physically and psychologically dependent on it.At this point, your only fix is marijuana treatment at a marijuana rehabilitation center.

Though not much is known about its exact health effects, in more significant amounts it is thought to have psychoactive effects somewhat similar to that of THC. Cannabidivarin is often found alongside CBD and is a non-psychoactive compound. CBDV is the subject of numerous ongoing studies and may be quite capable of dealing with neurological disorders such as Parkinson’s. Sativa and indica should be recognizable names to most cannabis users as these terms are roughly used to describe the version of plant and the subsequent “high” that consumption of the plant will create.

Building a network of supportive and encouraging people you can trust, and avoiding negative people. NIDA became the lead agency, creating its Office of Workplace Initiatives. NIDA launches its National Drug Abuse Treatment Clinical Trials Network to rapidly and efficiently test the effectiveness of behavioral and pharmacological treatments in real-world treatment settings.

As cultural views on drug use shift, use and possession of certain drugs are slowly beginning to be decriminalized – particularly marijuana – and drug possession laws are becoming a bit less draconian. Possession of any amount of illicit drugs, such as heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine, LSD, “club” drugs like ecstasy, and in some cases marijuana, remains illegal in the vast majority of US cities, counties, and states. Laws vary in each jurisdiction, but depending on the amount of the drug found in one’s possession and how many times an individual has been found guilty of the crime, it can potentially land a person in prison for life. Hallucination, altered thought process, disturbed thought content, and lack of personal hygiene are some of the late signs of weed addiction. As a person, you will not realize these signs because you are detached from the real world and all you care is about getting more pleasure and flying.

Please note that you shouldn’t select your quit day too much farther in the future since you may forget your goal and lose motivation along the way. In this guide, we will cover quitting cold turkey and quitting gradually in different sections with pros and cons. Since everyone develops different habitual smoking patterns, considering different methods and maybe a trial and error approach may be beneficial. Below we have outlined steps you can take into consideration in this process. When you want to quit, you will realize it is often much more challenging than you expect even to reduce or stop using any type of substance. Every user of marijuana has a different experience of consumption and dependency.

But recent research has shown that even marijuana may have more harmful physical, mental, and psychomotor effects than first believed. Each year, new scientific studies find more ways that long-term marijuana use is harmful to your health. Substance abuse can simply be defined as a pattern of harmful use of any substance for mood-altering purposes. “Substances” can include alcohol and other drugs as well as some substances that are not drugs at all. They learned that people who began using higher doses of cannabis at a younger age were less likely to graduate high school, go to college, attempt suicide and develop an addiction to cannabis and other illicit drugs.

We aim for overall wellness, as opposed to just detoxification and abstinence, so when patients leave our beautiful beachside location they are ready to take on the challenges of everyday life. We do not personally offer detoxification services, however our professional staff is more than happy to refer patients to nearby clinics for detox before admission into our program. The primary active ingredient in marijuana, THC, works by binding to cannabinoid receptors, concentrated in the basal ganglia, hippocampus, and cerebellum. These areas of the brain are responsible for short-term memory, coordination, learning, and problem-solving.

Even though cannabis products are touted to help with anxiety and stress, they are not approved by the FDA for any psychiatric conditions. Meanwhile, the concentration of CBD in cannabis plants has remained the same, the study finds. “Changes in THC concentrations over time could also influence the efficacy and safety of cannabis used for medicinal purposes, in the absence of standardized dosing information for illicit cannabis products,” the authors write. Cannabis is the more accurate term to use if you’re talking about the industry and products derived from the plant, said Zaman. Even so, research on their medical benefits, or harm, lags behind the wider availability of cannabis products.

Marijuana addiction is the consequence of habitual use of marijuana. Marijuana addiction can be described as chronically making the decision to quit using marijuana followed shortly by a relapse due to overwhelming cravings for it. Marijuana addiction is considered to be both a mental and emotional addiction. Marijuana users come to believe that they need marijuana to function normally and have fun. This misconception is very common among those who have formed an addiction to marijuana by using marijuana on a daily basis. Many people that have developed a marijuana addiction find that they must be high on marijuana to enjoy themselves and to feel normal.

If i have a stressful test at school or even a funeral, i smoke before it. I have to stop smoking for court and i dont have any other option or i will go to jail. Its very very hard but i have already reached out to this website twice for help. Thank you for the help i will be using these recovery treatments religiously. This is a common question many people are currently asking and realizing to quit smoking weed is a challenging feat. Feelings of anxiety or agitation are very common symptoms of marijuana withdrawal.

This guide to cannabis anatomy will break the plant down piece by piece so you’ll know exactly what you’re consuming and why. Curious about how cannabis will affect you, or the best and easiest ways to find medical cannabis? This is the most common form of marijuana cultivation in the West and allows one to grow the plant by directly feeding the plant water and nutrients without the need for soil. Both soil-based and hydroponic systems can be used indoors, with the latter being the more popular. Indoor growing gives you much more control over the light and temperature in your plant’s environment.

Research has demonstrated significant associations between depression and cigarette smoking, and evidence suggests that depression is a risk factor resulting in poor smoking cessation outcomes. Associations of smoking with mental and substance use disorders have been consistently reported in clinical and epidemiologic studies. Dr. Naomi Breslau examined recent cross-sectional epidemiologic studies on age of onset of daily smoking and psychiatric disorders and a few prospective studies estimating the relationship between smoking and specific disorders. Elevated risks for subsequent first onset of panic disorder and agoraphobia in current smokers were reported in both types of studies.

Efficacy of brief strategic family therapy in modifying Hispanic adolescent behavior problems and substance abuse. A meta-analysis of voucher-based reinforcement therapy for substance use disorders. Because marijuana is perceived as less harmful than cocaine or heroin, some people suggest that use reduction, instead of abstinence, may be an acceptable clinical goal. Indeed, many individuals who enter treatment are ambivalent about giving up marijuana completely. Kidorf and colleagues tested a similar “motivated stepped care” approach to reducing cannabis use in methadone maintenance patients.

Timeline With A Quit Day

A 14-member commission will oversee the implementation of the program and coordinate with the Alabama Board of Medical Examiners to work with participating physicians. Alabama became the 36th state to legalize medical marijuana in May. The program covers a variety of qualifying medical conditions including, Crohn’s Disease, epilepsy, HIV/AIDS related nausea, and PTSD. Marijuana reform has been slow to take shape in much of the South compared to other parts of the country where laws legalizing marijuana for recreational or medical use have been around for close to a decade.

To accomplish this, we combine the best in well-established therapeutic modalities with the latest scientifically-backed approaches to addiction recovery. As with all addictive substances, marijuana also has a strong impact on the pleasure and reward center of the brain. The human brain naturally reinforces the desire to repeat a pleasurable experience by increasing levels of chemical messengers like dopamine when something is deemed desirable.

Trauma And Ptsd: Issues In The Treatment Of Drug

Our marijuana Treatment center treatment team attends to co-occurring mental health disorders like depression, anxiety or personality disorders. Substance abuse and mental health treatment includes regular psychiatric care. We’ll prescribe medications as necessary to manage psychiatric symptoms. You’ll meet with our psychiatric team to assess improvement and adjust dosage as appropriate. Those who have been using marijuana over an extended period or in high doses may find it hard to stop independently.

Over time, and with regular use, dependence on marijuana or hashish may occur. Withdrawal symptoms like anxiety, depression, irritability, sleep difficulties, restlessness, cravings, decreased appetite, cognitive impairment, and mood disturbances can set in when the drug processes out of the body. It can also be addictive, asNIDAwarns that as many as one-third of those regularlyusing marijuana may battle addictionto it.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , 1 in 10 Americans who use cannabis will become addicted. That number jumps to 1 in 6 if you begin using marijuana before the age of 18. When inhaling marijuana smoke, THC passes through the lungs and enters the bloodstream quickly. The chemical is carried through the blood to the brain, where it acts on specific brain cell receptors and over-activates them, creating the ‘high’ felt from marijuana. If marijuana is taken orally, this reaction is slower, often taking effect around 30 minutes to 1 hour after taking. People also use marijuana to brew teas and is frequently mixed into foods such as brownies.

It’s reported to act similarly to alcoholic beverages, meaning that it’s both a depressant and stimulant. Side effects known begin quickly but can last longer than the effects of the alcohol. Those who use marijuana report to have boosts in creativity and mood, which is a testament to its stimulant effects. Here’s what you need to know about the future of marijuana legalization in the United States, from its racist beginnings to today.

College students now use the stimulant for its euphoric effects at parties and other social events. Cannabis use can fracture relationships with friends, family members and significant others. People who use marijuana may also experience hallucinations, changes in mood and impaired memory. Long-term cannabis use can lead to temporary hallucinations or worsening of symptoms in people with schizophrenia.

How To Quit Weed When Nothing Seems To Have Worked

Everyone who goes on a journey of recovering from their weed dependency experiences different withdrawal symptoms. However, there are many common symptoms that it’s important to know about How to Use CBD Oil before. Quitting smoking weed could be challenging as you might experience cannabis withdrawal effects. There is a lot of misunderstandings about whether smoking weed is addictive.

Growing Marijuana Outdoors

This is clear in the way some users need to use it to cope with their everyday tasks. Others experience intense anxiety and cravings when they do not have the drug. North Tampa is a treatment program for substance abuse & addictions, depression, anxiety, bipolar and mood disorders. The most effective treatment plans also address co-occurring disorders , which refers to the presence of both a substance use disorder and another mental health disorder.

Not every effect will be felt and the degree to which it manifests also varies. Doctors will prescribe medical marijuana only after careful consideration of the patient’s history. Sometimes, the side effects are minimal and the benefits far outweigh the negatives, so treatment is continued. Scot Thomas received his medical degree from the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine.

Excessive drinking can also cause health problems such as liver damage, heart complications and alcohol poisoning, which can be fatal. More than 1,800 college students die of alcohol-related causes each year, according to a 2014 report by The New York Times. In the 1980s, cocaine became the drug of choice across many social cliques, from straight-A students to athletes.

Researchers say their findings call for prenatal cannabis use disorder prevention, treatment and policies. Most studies involving cannabis show an association between the substance and certain changes in the body, but are not able to show cannabis actually causes those changes. Researchers, however, have established that cannabis does affect psychosis — auditory and visual hallucinations, paranoia and, for some people, disorganized thinking. That’s not because there have been a lot of negative studies showing that cannabis does absolutely nothing for many psychiatric disorders. THC is the main known psychoactive compound in the cannabis plants.

For this reason, people could experience a decrease in their depression symptoms. However, for others, the drug could lead to health complications like cardiovascular problems. We provide individual therapy as needed to help you process issues you may not be ready to disclose in a group setting, and to supply you with individualized attention for your specific needs. This is also a time where you can explore any new issues that you may be just starting to identify. The method of use determines how quickly marijuana effects are experienced.

Comorbidity Of Psychiatric And Addictive Disorders In Children

If you meet two to three of these pointers, you may have a mild disorder; if you meet four to five you have a moderate disorder; and if you meet six or more, you have a severe disorder. Even with marijuana, the more severe your disorder, the harder it is to become clean and recover. With this in mind, it’s never too late to reach out to a marijuana rehab for comprehensive help.

Principles Of Drug Addiction Treatment: A Research

Marijuana continues to be the most widely used drug worldwide, with the overall estimated number of users showing an increase of roughly 30% between 1998 and 2017. According to the 2019 World Drug Report by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, an estimated 188 million people used marijuana in 2017. While the United States showed the highest increase, other countries also reported increased use. Individuals abusing marijuana may also exhibit a compulsive CBD Gummis – Was ist meine perfekte Dosis? urge to continue using even if it’s having adverse impacts on their life, such as having trouble at home, school, or work or having health or legal trouble. Their compulsion may also extend to using marijuana even when it’s dangerous to do so, such as when driving or operating machinery. We have a maximum of 10 patients at any given time, so we are able to continually update and evaluate each patient’s progress in an effort to maximize their outcomes.

Anna has an extensive background in psychotherapy and clinical management and she writes about topics related to addiction and co-occurring disorders. Learn more about Beach House’s programs, including treatment options for marijuana addiction and dual diagnosis, on their website. Marijuana addiction, also known as cannabis use disorder, is a chemical dependency on marijuana, the dried leaves, flowers, stems, and seeds of the hemp plant.

Indoor marijuana grows provide the most control over growing conditions. With a simple setup including a tent, proper lighting, and an air circulation system, home marijuana growers can produce consistent yields. Both soil and hydro systems can be utilized for indoor marijuana grows. Soil setups are generally cheaper and more forgiving, but hydro systems tend to be more common. The legendary tetrahydrocannabinol has sealed cannabis’ fate for nearly a century, making marijuana one of the most persecuted plants on the planet. And all because this one compound happens to interact with the human body in such a way as to produce a complex signature of effects—a “high” unlike any other.

The successful addiction treatment paradigm of medical treatment, psychotherapeutic treatment and social services/vocational counseling combined into one integrated approach would be used to treat marijuana abuse and addiction. If your young adult child is struggling with marijuana addiction, there is hope. Additionally, we have the knowledge and resources to simultaneously treat co-occurring mental health disorders to ensure complete healing of mind, body, and spirit. In a warm, inviting recovery community, your family member can discover freedom from both depression and marijuana use and begin to build the life they truly want. Significant changes have taken place in the policy landscape surrounding cannabis legalization, production, and use. These landmark changes in policy have impacted cannabis use patterns and perceived levels of risk.

Corruption in the system and personal grudges against someone can affect a person’s life as there is no reliable system of accountability of authorities. Consideration of personal habits is minimum; if a person is hesitant in taking any test or suffers from anxiety, or cannot attend court due to some personal reason, they might get sent to jail because of the doubt. Abstinence or quitting is monitored by using the screening tests or alcohol tests performed after some interval. Buying them from like Homegrown Cannabis Co and growing them is easy, and with the right conditions and precautions, you can get excellent results. Keep growing and keep thriving in the field of commercial marijuana production. Occasionally flood the area around the plant to remove excess chemicals or any pests near the plants.

They’re free of many of the harsh marijuana plant compounds that can harm your lung health, like tars. And companies are getting better at crafting high-quality, flavorful vape cartridges with a wide array of cannabinoid profiles. And Kevin P. Hill M.D MHS share their level of knowledge with the rest of us and with other medical professionals that might need guidance regarding cannabis use in their own patients. Our chef and nutrition specialist will design your personalized diet plan supporting your body & mind recovery as well as helping with weight management.

Marijuana Addiction And Dependency

Perhaps this very reason continues to spark debates and arguments, but one thing is clear—it’s now used in various states, both for medicinal and recreational purposes. A more restrictive version of the bill was approved by lawmakers and sent to Gov. Tate Reeves desk last week. The law lowers the amount of cannabis patients are allowed to buy to just CBD Patches 3 ounces per month. There’s a requirement for continued medical education for practitioners and sets up a tiered system for businesses, including cultivators, processors, and dispensaries who want to apply for licenses to participate. However, it retains the rule placing no cap on the number of licenses offered to businesses that want to participate.

The drug causes dependency and addiction by acting on the natural THC receptors in the brain creating a sense of pleasure and improved mood. Continued marijuana use activates these receptors to the point where the receptors stay active and persistently crave the drug. Brain development can be impaired, especially in adolescents and teenagers who use or abuse the substance. They may experience a decline in thinking, coordination, memory, or IQ.

It is psychoactive, however, it doesn’t produce euphoric feeling and makes an individual high. Certain products present in the medicine could raise blood pressure as well as a heart rate of the person such as products that relieve cough and cold. Modafinil also speeds up the removal of a certain substance or medication from the body that affects their working mechanism.

Prescription drugs should always be taken exactly as they are intended, and only for the purpose for which they are intended. The Chacruna Institute releases a guide for psychedelic churches, the Justice Department says the Bureau of Prisons short-changed up to 60,000 First Step Act prisoners on their earned-time credits, and more. 10th leading cause of death among U.S. adults and was the leading cause of death for individuals under age 35 in 2018. Patients can practice the skills and techniques they have learned in treatment with others in a safe, therapist-guided space. This practice helps patients learn to regulate emotions, communicate more effectively, and process their own thoughts and feelings..

The evaluation consists of 10 yes or no questions that are intended to be used as an informational tool to assess the severity and probability of a marijuana use disorder. Smoking marijuana causes physical effects almost immediately, which can include feelings of euphoria and relaxation. Your heart rate usually spikes within minutes but can continue for several hours.

It will intertwine itself into the person’s home, school, work, and all relationships. I’ve used marijuana for 20 years daily and found this information to be helpful towards my journey of quitting. I’m on day 7 clean and was having really bad irritability so this post helped me see that it’s normal and to be expected. We have a team of accredited professionals who have many years of clinical and research experience.

Our mission is to reduce substance abuse by educating and advocating support for families impacted by addiction. The Lancet examined the link between depression and cannabis and found that marijuana use increased the risk of psychiatric conditions like depression. Still, there wasn’t enough evidence to conclude that marijuana is the culprit behind depression. Marijuana is responsible for changing the conventional functioning of specific chemicals and will alter the balance of the mind.

These crimes are typically misdemeanors, though there may be exceptions in the case of large drug manufacturing operations or meth labs. In California, a charge of simple drug paraphernalia comes witha maximum sentence of six months in jail and a $1,000 fine. Penalties for drug possession increased dramatically following the implementation of the War on Drugs in 1971 by President Nixon followed by a period of spiking drug use and visibility in the 1960s. The policies started by Nixon were widely expanded in the 1980s by President Reagan. Zero-tolerance policies and three-strike laws flourished under this administration, causingthe number of persons incarcerated for nonviolent drug crimes in go from 50,000 in 1980 to 400,000 in 1997.

Apart from that, you also have to recover socially and economically. The addiction has affected more than your health but other aspects of your life. This is not because weed is more addictive compared to other drugs. It’s because users who’ve become addicted cannot let the bad habit go.

We tailor our treatment model around you to make sure you get the best possible care. College students may take ecstasy at a nightclub or dance party to achieve feelings of increased energy, pleasure and emotional warmth. The drug is prevalent at electronic dance music festivals and has led to multiple cases of overdose in recent years. Ecstasy comes in the form of fine powder, pill or crystal-like rock.

This effect can shield nerve cells from damage and deterioration, making medical marijuana a promising drug for treating a range of neurological diseases. Tinctures are liquid concentrates made through alcohol extraction, pulling out many of the marijuana plant’s beneficial produits au CBD cannabinoids. In fact, until cannabis prohibition in the early twentieth century, tinctures were the most common form of medical cannabis in the United States. This guide is an introduction to anyone looking to inform themselves about the reality of cannabis.

Alcohol, prescription, and over-the-counter medications, inhalants and solvents, and even coffee and cigarettes can all be used to harmful excess. In fact, many children have their first encounter with substance abuse by using inhalants, simply because they are found in many common household products and, therefore, readily available. Don’t use the terms “abuse” or “dependence” when reporting on addiction. Instead, use the phrase “use disorder.” Addiction medicine specialists stopped using the terms “abuse” and “dependence” for two reasons, said Zaman.

Our psychoeducational groups provide information about synthetic marijuana addiction and instruction on ways to develop new recovery skills. Our process groups allow you to discuss issues with others who have gone through similar experiences so that you and your peers can heal as a group. Your treatment team will help you decide which groups will be most beneficial for your individual circumstances. Treatment plans usually include individual, group, and family therapy sessions, as well as participation in a 12-step or other support group and an aftercare program. Education on addiction, stress reduction, healthy living skills, and relapse prevention are often important components of a good recovery program.

In those jurisdictions, individuals do not need a prescription to avail of marijuana. As a potential user, it is the responsibility of the person procuring marijuana to read up on the laws to make sure that what he or she is doing is legal in the state and federal level. Many politicians Is CBD Oil Legal in London? and the general public have been scrutinizing marijuana for the past couple of months with the legalization of hemp, which is derived from the cannabis plant, in the Farm Bill of 2018. Hemp doesn’t get you high, but it does have the properties to help you feel better.

Clinicians are eager to know how to respond when approached by patients about medical marijuana and we offer practical advice on what to do in this situation. Marijuana has been shown to have its medical purposes, which is one reason it has grown in popularity. It can be effective at treating pain from cancer treatment, and certain mental health issues. More people need to be aware of the risks of abusing this drug, and they need to know that it can lead to addiction. The right Idaho treatment center can offer a way for people to recover.

When you start to evaluate your relationships with other people and your activities with them based on your chances of getting high, then you are choosing your bad habit over real and lasting relationships with your loved ones. When you have bad grades or problems with your boss or even relationship issues, do you feel your only option is to try and get high? If this is the case then you’re getting deeper into your marijuana use and addiction.

Developed by Rutgers librarians with expertise in a variety of disciplines, this guide aims to help find resources on marijuana-related issues from Rutgers Libraries and beyond. 43.5 million individuals ages 12 and older — 15.9% of the population — used marijuana in 2018. It is primarily used for the treatment of excessive sleepiness in the individual usually caused by sleep narcolepsy and shift work sleep disorder. These are the major benefits and use of taking the drugs together since it helps them to alleviate certain side effects, improve the effectiveness and functioning of the drug.

This can cause students to miss class or fail to complete homework assignments. Marijuana use can also result in memory problems, making studying more difficult. According to the 2015 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 58 percent of full-time college students aged 18 to 22 reported drinking in the past month. In comparison, 48.2 percent of people between 18 and 22 who do not attend college full time reported drinking in the past month. Among this age group, drinking rates were highest for 21-year-olds. The past-month nonmedical use of prescription amphetamines, such as Adderall and Ritalin, among college students increased from 2.9 percent in 2000 to 4.2 percent in 2015, according to the 2015 Monitoring the Future survey.

You may be psychologically addicted to marijuana and have a physical dependence on the drug. This means you could experience withdrawal when you quit using marijuana. People who use marijuana often abuse Alani other substances like alcohol. To date, a handful of human laboratory studies and one small clinical trial on potential pharmacotherapies for marijuana dependence have appeared in the literature .

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Thank you for taking the time to share your story and connect with us, Sahra. It’s so encouraging to know that our content is helpful in supporting people who are struggling with addiction. According to the Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse, weed has been a growing problem for many individuals in Canada. These numbers are likely higher as many may feel uncomfortable giving an honest report on substance use. Weed can become a very difficult habit to break, and outpatient and residential treatment centres offer individualized programs designed to assist in such a goal.