Business European funded projects platform right now

Business projects platform today? By using MIP, we achieve: system uniformity, accelerate, monitor, regulate, plan, organize and operate the data, processes and teams of experts involved in project implementation. All reports, archives and stack files (upload to MySMIS) are automatically generated in the same formats, structures, with links to deliverables, verified to ITM requirements. Standardization of processes at the level partners, generates uniformity in reporting, drastically limiting the spread of errors and financial losses. Read more info at manage European funded project. The document library is loaded by the management team and is used by Experts, according to the methodology of each project.

Automatic generation of a set of reports, including Activity Report (Appendix 18) and Time Sheet (Appendix 7) – prepared by experts, the partner team or the entire project team Automatic generation of archives on three different sets of structures, depending on the purpose of subsequent use (upload location in MySMIS) Information management via the cloud, so that the designated staff of the team has access to the necessary data securely (SSL encrypted connection) from anywhere (only needs an internet connection with a browser) and anytime (24/7) Optimized processes, established by project managers who have successfully implemented both POSDRU, POR, POS-CCE and POCU projects.

Automatic generation of deliverables and their delivery; Automatic generation of the Project Archive, structured on Partners, calendar months, Activities and Experts. Automatic generation of 3 types of files MySMIS specific stacks: all deliverables of an expert are concatenated and described according to destination of use; instruments in real time of a system of constraints through which several parameters are constantly checked: framing in the activity chart, checking the duration of the CIM, operating only some predefined lists of actions, checking the hours allocated on the budgeted activities on the experts, the verification of the hourly collisions in real time, the verification of the classification in the 12 hours / day.

Within the Funding Source Project (PSF) , the members of the Target Group participate in a Business Plan Competition , conducted on the basis of an approved and published Regulation for the knowledge of stakeholders (governmental, national and international authorities, business environment, eligible individuals for accessing the grant (de minimis aid scheme) Following the evaluation of the Business Plans by a committee of experts, they are noted correctly and transparently in accordance with the requirements / evaluation criteria published in the Regulation. of Business Plans (less than 10% of participants) are declared winners of the Contest and receive funding for implementation. Read additional info on

Using the MIP platform – perform in real time the management, planning, organization, coordination, motivation, evaluation and control of ongoing POCU projects. All the teams (management and project) of the partners, get quick access to the data of the managed projects, having at hand a set of customized software tools, for the successful implementation and at minimum costs of the project activities. The MIP platform facilitates the implementation of projects, by remotely operating resources, by managing and monitoring the factors involved in the implementation path of ongoing projects. The designated users have secure access to the project resources, using any of the computer devices they have at their disposal: desktop, laptop, tablets, smartphones.