Best hangover remedy with tricks

Trying to find the best hangover remedy? While some experts think the build-up of toxins (including one called acetaldehyde) is responsible for these issues, others blame congeners, or substances produced during the making-alcohol process, Dr. Sachdeva says. Sadly though, there’s really no singular “best” way to treat hangovers, according to the pros. But before you throw in the towel and make yourself a Bloody Mary (which definitely does not help that hangover headache, BTW!!!), consider this helpful info from the experts on common hangover cures.

Coffee, black tea, and green tea contain some antioxidants that may reduce the adverse effects of alcohol consumption. However, drinks that contain caffeine are diuretics, which may worsen the effects of dehydration in the body. Caffeine does not alter a person’s blood alcohol content, so it does not reduce the health risks relating to drinking alcohol. Which factors affect a hangover? Despite the prevalence of hangovers, there has been little research into developing effective treatments. Of the studies that are available, most are of low quality and remain inconclusive.

Drink fluids. Alcohol promotes urination because it inhibits the release of vasopressin, a hormone that decreases the volume of urine made by the kidneys. If your hangover includes diarrhea, sweating, or vomiting, you may be even more dehydrated. Although nausea can make it difficult to get anything down, even just a few sips of water might help your hangover. Discover more info at Best Hangover Remedy.

Drinks that are low in congeners include vodka, gin and rum, with vodka containing almost no congeners at all. Meanwhile, tequila, whiskey and cognac are all high in congeners, with bourbon whiskey containing the highest amount. One study had 95 young adults drink enough vodka or bourbon to reach a breath alcohol concentration of 0.11%. It found that drinking high-congener bourbon resulted in worse hangovers than drinking low-congener vodka. Another study had 68 participants drink 2 ounces of either vodka or whiskey. Drinking whiskey resulted in hangover symptoms like bad breath, dizziness, headache and nausea the following day, while drinking vodka did not.

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