Financial success methods with Dr. Harry Hamann

Investing tips and tricks right now? H2 Intel is a company that provides online education on investment management and is run by Dr. Harry Hamann (MBA) – a private investor based Cyprus that invests in multiple asset classes such as public&private equity, crypto assets, real estate, commodities and bonds. How money and our financial system really work. What only the rich and good investors know. Understand in 6 simple steps how money and the financial system really works, and what you can do to protect and grow your purchasing power. Find more details on Harry Hamann.

Personal Fiance, Investing, your Pension, your health care. Take control of your life. Build your own infrastructure. You might not get a pension income or no pension at all (pension crisis, age demographics, low returns). Build your own personal pension, away from government control. If times get tough, you are taken care of that way. Regarding health care: government health insurance might only pay for the essentials or reduce coverage substantially. Build capital as a reserve to access high quality health care when really needed. The point is this: only you care most about you. No one else cares that much. Build your own infrastructure, do not be dependent on other people when it comes to finances.

The basics of personal finance is this: where is your income and cash coming from? The concept of the cashflow quadrant comes from Robert Kiyosaki, the Author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad. The left side (employee E and self-employed S) are exchanging their time for money. This means, without them working they do not earn money. Now lets look at the right side. The business owner B, and the investor I, are not exchanging their time for money. They are doing something different. They are using people (or systems) to generate cash. The investor uses money itself to make more money.

I was a normal engineering employee in the German automotive industry – totally unrelated to finance. How come that I am writing now a blog about how to learn to invest? In my last job, I was not really happy or fulfilled. I asked myself. Why am I on this world? Is the 9-5 my outlook for the rest of my life? The thought of me at my death bed, regretting not trying, not pursuing my passion was too much. I could not take it. I had to do something about it. I wanted to change. I needed to change. Discover more info on

A bond is a debt instrument representing a loan made by an investor to a borrower. A typical bond will involve either a corporation or a government agency, where the borrower will issue a fixed interest rate to the lender in exchange for using their capital. Bonds are commonplace in organizations that use them to finance operations, purchases, or other projects. Bond rates are essentially determined by interest rates. Due to this, they are heavily traded during periods of quantitative easing or when the Federal Reserve—or other central banks—raise interest rates.