Crystal jewelry online shop today

Top crystal advent calendar online shop: Lucina Crystal is the first online store to sell a crystal advent calendar for believers in tarot cards, magnetic fields and horoscopes. We believe that everyone in the world should have access to a true power engine. That’s why our mission is to make high quality affordable products. We want to make sure the local artisans make every piece of crystal with care. Our company was founded on May 18, 2016 as an e-commerce company and we set up our online store in September 2022 to sell crystal products. See even more information at

Wearing crystals as jewellery makes it easy to bring the properties of the crystal into the energy of the human body – although carrying bags of tumbled stones may work for some people! Placement of crystals might be a deciding factor. Multi-coloured chakra necklaces, bracelets and rings are believed to be useful for balancing all the energy centres of the body. You might be able to speed up the healing of a sore throat for example by wearing a blue crystal (the colour of the throat-chakra) in this area. How about working on a ‘broken-heart’ with the loving energy of a rose quartz crystal pendant close to the heart area? The purple stone amethyst might work for you as earrings – to assist in opening up the ‘third eye/psychic centre’ (the third eye chakra is usually pictured as either indigo or purple).

Tourmalines are common in many colors across Brazil, but the Paraiba tourmalines are the only stones with a bright turquoise hue, thanks to their copper content. The very rare gems were discovered in 1987 by determined miner Heitor Dimas Barbosa, who had been driven by a belief that something special lurked under the hills of the Brazilian state of Paraiba. Barbosa was right, and after years of fruitless digging, he finally unearthed a tourmaline of unrivaled neon blue that set the gem market alight. The extremely rare stone (only one stone is mined for every 10,000 diamonds) then became intensely sought-after. In 2003 very similar turquoise-colored tourmalines were found at mines in the mountains of Nigeria and Mozambique, although some say they are not quite as striking as the Paraiba tourmaline.

Sea Glass – (or Beach Glass) in general is used to describe any found glass on beaches that has been naturally worn smooth by tide and time. Sea Glass pieces must be smoothed to be considered “real’ sea glass. Glass that has any shiny or has glossiness is considered “uncooked”. Sea Glass is found on ocean beaches, beach glass is found on lakes, rivers and other waterways. While sea glass CAN BE called “Beach Glass” (found on a beach), Beach Glass should not be called sea glass if it is found on fresh water areas (unless you call it Inland Sea Glass). The quality of the two can vary BUT this is not a hard and fast rule. Many beach glass pieces found on the Great Lakes and other major waterways cannot be distinguished from sea glass.

Jewelry is appropriate for all body types and skin tones: Another reason why jewelry makes such a terrific gift is that it doesn’t discriminate. One cannot deny the fact that some items have certain body types or skin tones in mind, and are just wrong for anyone who doesn’t fit into the box. Jewelry is not like that. It really should be a no-brainer that jewelry is one of the most successful gift ideas of all times, but for those still deliberating, never forget that the options are endless. Never suffice with the thought that your intended recipient already “has” jewelry and get some inspiration to some of the trending jewelry fashion pieces. Diamond jewelry, sapphire jewelry, rubies, emeralds, pearls, gold, platinum, and silver galore; the sky is the limit!

Turquoise is suggested to balance acidity and relieve the symptoms of rheumatism, gout, stomach issues, and viral infections. When utilized, it promotes physical growth, muscular strength, extremity warmth, cramps relief and has anti-inflammatory and detoxifying properties. This stone serves as an excellent reminder to drink plenty of water. It is also believed that it aids in treating ear, nose, and throat ailments, the larynx, and the neck. That is why turquoise is the stone for ENT specialists, speech therapists, vocal coaches, singers, auctioneers, and radio and television hosts. Hence, It aids in the oxygenation of the blood and the increase of life force in the physical body. Read more info on