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Europe real estate market strategies? is a hot real estate portal focused at helping real estate agents and individuals to buy real estate properties in EU. We will also talk about several real estate market strategies combined with some analysis of 2019-2020 real estate market trends in Europe.

The interesting thing here is that Brexit is something that is more inside European investors than global investors coming from places like Asia or the Americas, for example. 83% of real estate professionals believe that there will be a difference in economic growth between the UK and the EU during 2020. In fact, more than 70% believe UK’s capacity to attract international investors will decrease after the Brexit date. Even though there is also social inequity, with the lack of social housing and senior care, this won’t be the main concern during 2020. Instead, the main focus will be on affordability as the prices are going up. According to PWC Global Trends Report, almost 50% of the interviewees believe prime assets are over-priced. This issue is especially relevant in markets like Spain and Portugal where the average wages are lower. However these markets remain pretty interesting for foreign investors as the prices per m2 are still lower when compared to it’s European peers.

Even if it is expensive and the yields are not high, real estate still offers a cash yield or a net rental income of a few percent; a high return compared to zero interest offered on other assets. But, in a way, it is also dangerous that property prices are supported by this monetary policy of the ECB. The reality is that some emerging markets are in trouble with declining growth rates, turmoil, lower commodity prices, and volatility in currencies. Rich investors from emerging markets are turning to Europe because they had to diversify due to such problems. For a continent that was a complete write-off a decade ago for investors, those same investors are now investing in Europe. Everything we have been predicting is the exact opposite. There are property markets performing well in general with lots of international capital flows. In essence, real estate is equivalent to a secured bond, especially if you buy in the prime property markets in Germany, for example. But anywhere in Europe, you still have the potential for a better economy and higher inflation positively influencing your investment. This is the main reason why real estate in continental Europe and recovering markets has performed so well. Discover more details Real Estate Europe.

Now let’s discuss about some real estate tips for sellers: Marketing with flyers! Your social reach may be huge, but you won’t be able to reach people you don’t know. Flyers change that. Several key terms have been proven to increase sales, so you’ll definitely want them seen. Try the following: luxurious, captivating, impeccable, upgraded. You’ll soon see how powerful a tool language really is. Leverage social media: Post regularly to your Facebook business page and any other social media platform you use. Videos make the best marketing content. Upload a video showing off a spectacular property to get people interested; or make a video where you’re talking about your favorite listing and giving advice. Make sure to share, share and share some more. Videos, articles and listings all make great, smart content for your Facebook page.

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